Kotori Iida
飯田 小鳥
Birthday: September 1
A freshman at the high school Kouhei works at, and the daughter of the owner of a local diner. Her parents are divorced. Kotori is deathly afraid of knives after having been injured by one as a small child.
Kotori is in love with Kouhei but won't tell him because she knows it would be inappropriate. Still, she has gotten jealous at times, such as when a friend joked about liking him. She has only told her friend Shinobu about her attraction to Kouhei, after she guessed from watching Kotori interact with him. Kotori has also stated though she does not want to be just with him but also involved in his daughter's life.
A freshman at the high school Kouhei works at, and the daughter of the owner of a local diner. Her parents are divorced. Kotori is deathly afraid of knives after having been injured by one as a small child.
Kotori is in love with Kouhei but won't tell him because she knows it would be inappropriate. Still, she has gotten jealous at times, such as when a friend joked about liking him. She has only told her friend Shinobu about her attraction to Kouhei, after she guessed from watching Kotori interact with him. Kotori has also stated though she does not want to be just with him but also involved in his daughter's life.
Sweetness & Lightning
Main TV