Tenbobo is a bishonen-like male with short blue hair with one barette one side, black sleeveless vest with red belt-buckles around the middle, and light-colored pants adorned with six empty sword-holsters attached to him. His appearence makes him almost harmless as well, but in truth, Tenbobo is a bipolar character living between two extremes. On one hand, his weak-appearence, makes him seem like peace-loving boy who does not want to fight if he can. But, on the opposite end, he tries to convey his peace (but at the end of the battle it reveals that he is not a pacifist through great anger and violence, as seen by ripping a telephone book in half! Whether or not he truly wants peace, Tenbobo's methods of fighting make him the most violent fusion of all!
(Source: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Wikia)
(Source: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Wikia)
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Supporting TV

Takeuchi, Ken